5 design trend predictions that will come true in 2021

Some trends turn out to be a bit of a fad and sizzle out as the year rolls on, however, some turn out to be the next big thing. Below is a small collection of the trends which I think will boom in 2021!

1.Motion designs and logos in apps will be a standard

With the rise of the likes of Lottie, comes the opportunity to transform everything into motion effortlessly. Absolutely everything. From your logo to a little app icon. In a world which is constantly demanding more and more creative-content and designs. Motion design will become an unavoidable element which must be integrated in your designs.

Users will soon expect motion in all logos. Something which at first glance is technologically advance, quickly becomes a custom and a normality to the user. Apps, designs and logos without motion, will quickly become old-looking and outdated. It is a must of 2021.

2.App Accessibility

With the development of dark-mode,  Medium’s personalisation options, and Wonder’s editable background, I think the concept of having the opportunity to personalise app formats will start to become the normality. It is a great development as is opens up accessibility of apps. Changing the background and font colour, for example, can improve the reading quality for a dyslexic-persons, and can enlighten the user experience for people with colour blindness. We will see a lot more opportunities to fine-tune the app in the way we like in 2021.

3. Nostalgia Marketing

One of my fondest types of marketing, and one which works with me as a consumer. Most commonly described as the“comfort food” of advertising, nostalgia marketing pulls out our inner child, and with that strong home comforts and emotional warmth. In a technology-driven and future-orientated world; small reminders of a slower-paced life and reminders of where we come from is a strong pull factor. With the anxiety and instability of the current pandemic-world, the reminders of our past will be even more important than ever. I think we will see a lot of odes to the 80s and 90s this next year.

4. User Generated Content 

Lieferando, KFC and Lenovo have tap into interactions with consumers through TikTok to better engage with younger consumers.

Lieferando, asked users to jump cut from one outfit to another in time with the music to celebrate the decision to stay in and order-in food. A song was created specifically for the TikTok campaign. Likewise, Lenovo create a TikTok sitcom with influencers, who acted out scripted videos in a series named, Almost Home For the Holidays. TikTok campaigns are becoming increasingly creative and less basic.

With the ever changing landscape of social media it will be interesting to follow the changes which TikTok and its counter social media channels implement in 2021, but for now I believe user-generated content will be a big hit.

5. Cartoon Illustrations

Closely related to nostalgia marketing is the comeback of cartoon illustrations in advertisement and also logo design. In a world where a lot of things are currently prohibited, we seek life, colour, fun, and attitude in every way and format. We have stepped back and are more mindful, we enjoy the little things in life again. Like cartoon characters on beer bottles and risograph poster advertisements.

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