MEND Waitlist Validation

00 Introduction

What is Mend?

Mend is an aspiring digital clothing repair and alteration service. Mend envisions a world without fashion waste, where alterations and repairs to your clothing is made easy through a convenient service with set fees. No hidden costs.

This is how the service works:

1.Users select the clothing they want to repair

2.Mend collects the clothing for reparation.

3.Mend Returns the item repaired back home to the user.

4.Users Love their clothing longer.

The problem space.

Mend is currently unaware of the products value and product-market fit.

Starting with the Value Proposition.

To understand value that Mend provides its users, Mend must understand the users and how this value fits within the Berlin market. Starting with Discovery and Product validation is important for any new product and business ideas to; 


1.Define Product Persona and Jobs to be Done

Identify target audience and potential early adopters. Understanding what are the alternative solutions for that given problem and try to provide a better solution. 


2.Break down the value of Mend in a simplified way

Define the most important services and features of Mend, and how this relieves pain and creates gains for Mend Users.


3.Establish the Product Market Fit

After having identified a potential persona, thanks to discovery efforts (e.g. UX Research and qualitative/quantitative data collection) ,the value proposition can be adjusted and tailored based on the users’ needs.

The end result of establishing the value proposition will support Mend with launching an MVP with a clear go to market strategy.

The plan of execution.

To communicate the Mend Value Proposition and its benefits in a clear and understandable way for the end users, a storyline was needed.

Together with Mend’s team, we worked on a strong product marketing strategy and storytelling, to connect with potential new users. To do so we created a brand design system that would facilitate the final outcome of the project, the MVP landing page and waitlist.

01 Creating the storyline

The story behind the ‘M’.

The Mend colours and font.

Mend uses colours purposefully to communicate our values, personality and is adaptable to function within a user interface .

The colours help to create visual patterns that can bring the product to life, and makes interaction with our product easier and more predictable.

Our primary colours are Sleek purple and Simple Creme White. We use secondary variances ranging from fun pink, fair yellow and sustainable green depending on how sassy we feel.

Bringing the concept to life.

Illustrations and patterns are the most recognisable elements of Mends branding. 

To tell the Mend story we used the number one essential element that lies behind the theory of tailoring. Geometry. 

Altering and fixing clothes is geometry applied to real life scenarios.. Mend plays with geometric shapes and patterns to build a strong narrative. Circles, squares, triangles, diamonds, semicircles… The visual narrative is the central link between the concept of Mend and connecting this in a human centered way to potential users. Users should immediately understand what Mend offers through the visual description.

02 The Value Proposition: An MVP landing page and waitlist feature

The MVP landing page

Creating a landing page waitlist would allow us to capture the interest of users and add them to an exclusive list even before the product even existed. Not only does it allow us to narrow down the product market fit, but it is an important metric for the PM to use whilst pitching to investors. 

The landing page that would capture the interest of users whilst Mend was still in an early stage must be simple and the user benefits clear. 

Low-fidelity Wireframe

The low-fidelity wireframe, marked out the content architecture of the landing page. The content is the backbone of the design. Understanding what users need to know 1st, 2nd and 3rd (etc.) is priority before the design.

Mid-fidelity Wireframe

The window frames and doorways of the mid-fidelity wireframe made it possible to envision how the content and design can merge together.

High-fidelity Wireframe

Using the Mend colours, illustrations and some placeholder images allowed us to gradually understand how the UI of Mend could holistically translate into the MVP landing page. Through the placeholder images it was clear that a strong brand identity was still missing.

Final hand off

To bring the brand identity to life through UI design, the final handoff elaborated on the geometric brand design system. To decrease bounce rate and increase waitlist signups, more of the brand shapes, colours and illustrations were used, to help the landing page ‘pop’.

The Waitlist

Low-fidelity Wireframe

It was important for the waitlist layout to be simple and clear with no distractions to the CTA.

Final hand off

The illustration guides the users eyes to the CTA signup, is small but sweet, method that welcomes the user to the new page and task to be done.

03 The final prototype

Click the image below to view the final prototype.

You will be redirected to Figma 🙂